Explore our carefully curated courses. Ace your exams. Start earning money.
We are affiliated with the makers of all the courses listed here. So, on clicking the enroll button below each course, you will be taken to the website for these various courses so you can learn more and then enroll.

We have curated courses taught by the best prep companies for international exams – SAT, ACT, etc. Also gain digital skills like Blogging, Mini Importation, Amazon KDP Publishing, and more.

Ace the SAT and ACT exams with ease and in one sitting. Comes with a money back guarantee. These courses are taught mostly by perfect scorers of the SAT and ACT exams.

Band 9 is a downloadable ebook that shows you everything you need to know to get the perfect score in the IELTS exam. Whether you are writing the IELTS for the first time or not, this is for you.

Niche Blogging
This beginner course shows you how to start blogging for money. This is a 13 hour long tutorial that shows you everything you need to know to start earning dollars from blogging.

Oxford Language Club
Prepare for and ace any English language exam or test in one attempt. Learn from native speakers of the English language and improve your English language proficiency.

Law of Attraction Mastery
Learn how to achieve any goal using 6 proven steps based on the Law of Attraction. The Law of attraction is behind all noteworthy achievement in the world.

Mini Importation
Learn how to start buying from Chinese suppliers and shipping to Nigeria or any country from the comfort of your home and without big capital.

Amazon Kindle Publishing
Learn how to format an ebook and then publish it on Amazon Kindle. This is a skill that you can monetize easily by offering ebook publishing services.